
Curriculum Overview

The Aims of the Curriculum

We believe that the aims of the curriculum should focus on the knowledge, qualities and skills learners need to succeed in school and beyond. The curriculum should:

  • Enable students to enjoy learning for its own sake, to develop their creative talents and to fulfill their intellectual potential.
  • Provide each individual with the knowledge and skills to respond to a changing world with confidence and humility.
  • Encourage students to be reflective, open-minded and principled, so that they can make a positive contribution to their community and the wider world.


Key Stage 3

During Key Stage 3 (years 7, 8 & 9) students at 51²è¹Ý study a broad and balanced curriculum comprising the following subjects: art and design, computing, design and technology, English, geography, history, mathematics, modern foreign languages, music and physical education. Personal, social & health education, citizenship, careers education, sex education and religious education are taught in Years 7, 8 and 9 in philosophy and applied ethics lessons; where necessary, occasional enrichment days supplement these lessons.

In Year 7 all students study Spanish. In Year 8 they must choose a second language which is either German or Mandarin Chinese. In science the KS3 course is covered during Years 7 & 8 and completed in Year 9, when students make a transition into the GCSE course.

Key Stage 4

For Key Stage 4 (years 10 & 11) the core subjects studied by all students are: English language and literature, mathematics, a modern foreign language, science (students will either study physics, chemistry and biology as 3 separate GCSEs or a combined science course which incorporates these three sciences within a qualification equivalent to 2 GCSEs), religious education, personal & social education (including citizenship) and physical education.

Students must continue to study one of the two languages they chose in KS3. Additionally, all pupils must study two other subjects from: history, geography, art, music, drama, media studies, physical education, design and technology, computing or the second language studied at KS3. Information technology skills are developed and utilised across the curriculum.

If you require any additional information please contact Mrs S Godfrey, Deputy Headteacher (Love of Learning)


pdfÌý Beyond Year 9 Presentation 2025


Key Stage 5

51²è¹Ý Sixth Form (years 12 & 13), offers both the A-Level Curriculum and

the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma. On the A-level route, students choose 3 or 4 A Levels, with up to five one-hour periods per subject, alongside one or more options to complement their studies, including Extended Essay, AS Further Mathematics, GOLD Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, AS Ancient History, and AS Music.

The IB is a high-status international qualification in which students choose 3 Higher level subjects, each with 4 one-hour periods per week, and 3 Standard level subjects, each allocated 5 periods per fortnight. They must choose one subject from each of six categories: English Literature, a second language, social science, an experimental science, Mathematics, and either an art or second choice from the other categories. They also undertake the common core of Theory of Knowledge, Extended Essay and Creativity, Activity, Service. Each subject is awarded a grade out of 7 and the core out of 3 giving a total of 45.

The IB Diploma is open to both male and female students. The Diploma is a well-established and internationally respected qualification which is welcomed by all UK universities. Students at 51²è¹Ý have had great success in recent years, with many gaining entry to competitive courses including Medicine and degree courses at Oxford and Cambridge.

Full course information is available in the Sixth Form Prospectus, and if you require any additional information, please contact Mr J Bainbridge, Head of Sixth Form: