

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Mr S Lyne-Ley<\/a><\/strong>
\nDeputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs C Pitocco<\/a><\/strong>
\nSafeguarding Officer
Mrs C Vaughan<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n


Please contact us within school hours if you have a concern by telephoning the main school office and asking to speak with one of the Safeguarding Team (01803 615501)<\/p>\n

We cannot keep safeguarding concerns about children and young people confidential and may need to seek advice from Children\u2019s Services or the Police to investigate further.<\/div>\n


We use CPOMS to securely communicate and store all safeguarding concerns – students will know this as their student record.<\/div>\n
Other important contacts:<\/strong><\/div>\n
Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) Tel: 01803 208100 (out of hours) TORBAY<\/div>\n
Devon Children & Families Partnership (MASH) Tel: 0345 600 0388 or 0845 600 0388 (out of hours) DEVON<\/div>\n<\/section>\n

Raising Concerns – Allegations Against Adults<\/strong><\/p>\n

To raise an allegation about adults who work at 51²è¹Ý, please contact the Headteacher, Dr J Hunt<\/a><\/p>\n

Concerns can also be raised directly with the Chair of Governors, Mrs C Weston<\/a><\/p>\n


To raise concerns through the Local Authority Designated Officer, please call 01803 208541 http:\/\/torbaysafeguarding.org.uk\/professionals\/managing-allegations\/<\/a><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/section>\n




SAFEGUARDING Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Mr S Lyne-Ley Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs C Pitocco Safeguarding Officer Mrs C Vaughan Please contact us within school hours if you have a … <\/p>\n